Helping Refugees
Re-Build a New Life

Powered by CGFNS International

Restoring Credentials for Ukrainian Nurses In Need 

We are united with the global community and support the nurses and their families that were forced to flee from their homes, as well as those that are currently trying to provide aid and comfort to those in need.

Dear Ukrainian Applicants: CGFNS’ Passport2Liberty initiative can help restore your credentials during this time of crisis.

Шановні заявники з України, в рамках ініціативи «Паспорт Волі», ми можемо допомогти Вам відновити Ваші освітні дані в цей важкий час.

If you are a Ukraine applicant, refugee or asylee, please fill out our Passport2Liberty Application Form to get personalized information about our accommodation polices for your specific case.

Support for Applicants is available from beginning to end and at every step along the way. All of the Passport2Liberty participants have pledged their support to make your journey to the United States go as smoothly as possible. You are not alone, we are here to help!

Підтримка для заявників доступна від початку до кінця, на кожному етапі процесу. Всі учасники ініціативи намагаються зробити Ваш шлях до Сполучених Штатів якомога простішим. Ви не самі, ми з Вами!

Our Mission:

Leveraging our 45 years of expertise and global partnerships, CGFNS has developed processes to rebuild, restore, and preserve the credentials of qualified nurse refugees, asylum seekers, and others who were forced to leave everything behind. We are here to help!


CGFNS’ Passport2Liberty initiative was designed with you in mind to address some of the leading challenges faced during this time of crisis. It was designed based on our belief and commitment that safe, orderly, and regular migration is a human right, and that the global community has a responsibility to ensure refugees in all situations are aptly supported and empowered.

CGFNS International, Inc. (CGFNS) is an internationally recognized standards-setting body and the world’s largest credentials evaluation organization for nursing. CGFNS’ mission is to serve the global community by verifying, evaluating, and promoting the knowledge-based practice competency of healthcare professionals. To date, we have served over four million nurses from over 200 countries and territories of the world, from which we have built and maintained a robust global database on accreditation, regulation, education, employment, and professional development. We protect migrating healthcare professionals by advocating for ethical recruitment practices.

Passport2Liberty Participants

Organizations committed to supporting refugee’s transition into the U.S. health workforce


Ukrainian Nursing Applicant – Passport2Liberty Application Form

Please click on the button to fill out the form and start your case file. Your information will be sent to CGFNS, and someone will contact you regarding your application and next steps.

Frequently Asked Questions

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